Flight Dispatch Double Certification - EASA and FAA (license) - IFOA

About the Course

Become a licensed Flight Dispatcher in Europe!

Get the only Internationally recognized FAA Flight Dispatcher license with the proper EASA education. This is a unique training model worldwide.

What Will You Learn

Our students will acquire the basic competencies to mobilize the relevant knowledge, skills, and attitude to carry out activities and tasks associated with the flight dispatcher’s duties and responsibilities.

Course Content

  • Meteorology (MET)
  • Navigation (NAV)
  • Air Law (LAW)
  • Operational procedures (OP) and Flight Planning (FPL)
  • Air Traffic Management (ATM)
  • Human Factors (HF)
  • Communications (COM)
  • Mass and Balance (M&B) and Aircraft Performance (PER)
  • Principles of Flight (POF)
  • Aircraft General Knowledge (AGK) and Systems (SYS)
  • Flight Monitoring (MON)
  • Aviation Security Planning (SEC)

Who should attend

The initial training is designed for individuals or experienced aviation professionals (for example, crew controllers, operations controllers, navigation officers, etc…)  who are eager to enhance

Duration 6 weeks, including two weeks in Miami (USA)