PRM - Passe Partout Training
Do you want to acquire the best practices to assist PRMs?
What is Passepartout Training?
Passepartout Training is created in 2010. The company provides training on meeting legal requirements and achieving best practice in services and facilities for disabled and older people and people with reduced mobility
(PRMs)* in the transport sector.
Passepartout Training takes as its starting point the principle that all people have equal rights to freedom of movement and freedom of choice. Disabled people and people with reduced mobility should have the same rights as others to travel.
It is essential that all staff working in transport sector should know how to deliver the best services and facilities to meet the particular needs of these passengers.
Passepartout Training provides professional training to staff working in the transport sector, both to those who are in direct contact with passengers and to those who have a managerial function.
Training courses
Passepartout Training aims to develop its scope across the whole transport sector (air transport, sea and inland waterways, rail transport).
For the Air transport sector, the training is focussed on staff assisting PRMs and other staff at airports, staff of airlines, ground handling staff and security staff. Training courses are complying with the legal requirements concerning assistance to and provisions for PRMs. The content of the training includes disability awareness, barriers met by PRMs, highlights of the legal framework and practical exercises. Also staff of ticketing offices and of travel agencies need to be trained on PRM issues.
Target groups
The courses are tailor made for:
- staff providing assistance to PRM
- staff in direct contact with the traveling public
- trainers
- managers responsible for the assistance of PRMs.
Organisation of the training courses
- Inhouse training: on request of a company or an organisation Passepartout Training can provide training courses on the premises of the client.
- Scheduled training courses: these are organised by Passepartout Training and open for registration